About Us

Meet Your Therapist

Heather Muir was born and raised in Alaska, living in three countries and seven states before settling permanently in St. Petersburg in 2018. She has two adult children and many small friends. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland, and her master’s degree from the University of Iowa (ranked #1 in the nation in speech-language pathology by the U.S. News and World Report). She has worked in home health, private clinic settings, and various school districts, treating clients from 6 months through 21 years of age, with extensive experience working with PreK and autism. She specializes in early childhood, emerging and/or nonverbal communicators, and children with autism. She feels that she learns as much from her clients as they learn from her.

Our Vision

The heart of all communication is connection – connecting people to each other, to ideas, and to their community. At Connections, we believe in going to the heart of communication.

We provide play-based therapy that is tailored to each child’s unique needs and abilities, in a truly individualized voyage of discovery. By engaging children with joy and wonder, we build bridges of authentic communication between your child’s existing interests and skills and the expectations of the world they live in. Our goal is to provide your child with the tools for success while honoring their individuality.